Shaun the Sheep Wiki

The Camper is one of the minor antagonists in Shaun the Sheep.


He travels around and he decided to place his tent in Mossy Bottom Farm. Shaun and Bitzer discover his tent and see him litter.The Camper gives Bitzer a stick only to trick him, he then goes out to explore. While he was out, Shaun and The Flock use his items to play. Later then, when it rains outside, Shaun and The Flock go inside the tent, and then when it stops raining The Camper arrives and opens his tent. The Flock flee causing his tent to be destroyed. Bitzer comes, who wants to play fetch with him, he breaks Bitzer's stick causing Bitzer to be upset. During the night, while he was sleeping inside his tent, Shaun and Bitzer dig under the tent and place it on top of a dumpsite. The next day when he opens his tent, he felt a shock of surprise and looks around for a way to escape.


He wears a royal blue turtleneck with blue jeans and he wears brown shoes, he sometimes wears a bag and he also has brown hair.

Other Episode Appearance[]

He only appears in Camping Chaos. He is also heard in sheepwalking.
