Shaun the Sheep Wiki

The Naughty Pigs or The Pigs are the main antagonists turned anti-heroes in Shaun the Sheep, housed in a pigsty next to the sheep’s field, the Naughty Pigs are the bane of Shaun's life.

Episode Appearances[]


Cantankerous, naughty and greedy, the pigs are always trying to antagonize The Flock and get no greater pleasure than disrupting Shaun’s schemes. They are, however, scared of Bitzer, who puts them in line, and even more deeply terrified of the Farmer's wrath. While they are bullies, the pigs are highly intelligent and physically capable. They are capable of operating vehicles, such as a car (The Big Chase) and an airplane (Pig Swill Fly), and are capable of plotting elaborate schemes. On the rare occasion, such as in The Phoney Farmer or Duck! Whistleblower, they'll actually cooperate with the Flock, if begrudgingly.

In addition to their bad manners, the pigs are also quite a cheat, which is especially seen in Hot To Trotter, where they several times to sabotage the dance competition, which also shows that they are generally bad losers. However, while the pigs enjoy playing pranks on others, they don't like being held responsible for things they didn't do, as seen in CSI Mossy.

Although the pigs are mean bullies, they also have a gentler side, which is seldom seen, but especially evident in Turf Wars. They take great care of Timmy, and when he finally gets into danger, the pigs sincerely help the Flock to keep him safe.

Shaun the Sheep Movie[]

After Shaun and the Flock travel to the city in search of the missing Farmer, the Pigs begin partying in the lost Farmer's house, utterly destroying it. Later, when the Flock has successfully brought the farmer home, they immediately panic and begin restoring the damage caused.

A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon[]

After the Farmer made the Farmageddon theme park to raise his money to get new harvester. He made them into Martian Pigs game.


  • Unlike most animals in the series, the pigs or The Fox have never been seen walking on all four legs, Although in an app called Fleece lightning, the pigs are seen running in all four legs.
  • Unlike The Flock, the Pigs are always shown in a set amount of three, although in Sheepwalking one pig makes an appearance without the other two, and in Tidy Up another pig makes an appearance without the other two, third in Keeping the Peace, One pig makes a solo appearance with the other two.
  • They bear a strong resemblance to the Delinquent road Hazards from Pixar's Cars
  • The Pigs function Look Similar to Huey Dewey And Louie From Disney's Ducktales, as well as the Donald Duck Cartoons. as their both trios, get them self mad and angry, and their both make fun each other.
  • The Pigs may have been the inspiration for the Bad Piggies from Angry Birds, except that they're enemies with Birds instead of Sheep, and are green instead of the actual color pigs have which is pink.
  • Although the pigs are one of the main antagonists in the series, they are more of a neutral evil than a real threat. The Fox, for example, is more evil than the pigs because he actually tries to eat Timmy or the chickens.
  • In series 3 Onward, The pigs are once again redesigned, now they have movable heads and necks, more paler pink skin, moobs, belly buttons and have yellow teeth instead of white.
  • When the pigs squeaked, they sounded like that they're saying "Wii", a Nintendo's console released in 2006.
  • Unlike Series 1 and 2, The pigs are almost always seen angry/unfriendly in series 3.
  • Their teeth in series 3 resemble The Bull's teeth in Series 1.


Main article: The Pigs/Gallery